Synonyms Detection in Folk Tag Set: A Novel Hybrid Solution
Tags, Folksonomy, Synonyms, Collaborative tagging, Search, RetrievalAbstract
Collaborative tagging is one of the most important applications of web 2.0 that allow users to
associate tags (a free-form text chosen by the users) with the resource, which is metadata for
that resource. These tags are used later on for search and retrieval of these resources. One of
the issues in a folk tag set is ambiguity, as ambiguity causes incorrect resource(s) retrieval. To
bring precision in search, we need to remove this ambiguity. One of the reasons of ambiguity
is presence of synonyms in a tag set. In this work, we have proposed a novel solution for
synonyms detection. The proposed solution provides a concise tagset that will be associated
with the resource. The methodology of our approach can be defined in four major steps. First,
we have removed misspelled tags. In the second step, we have detected synonyms using
WordNet and Microsoft Word dictionaries. In the third step, we have used Euclidian distance
to find rest of the synonyms and finally, we obtained precise tag set without synonyms.
Dictionaries provide coverage to tags which are Standard English language words and
mathematical formula covers the tags which are from folk vocabulary and are not present in
the dictionaries. We have tested our approach on image resources with which tag set
composed of twenty tags is associated. We compared our results with five state-of-the art
techniques including cosine, Jaccard, projection, mutual information, and dice. We can
conclude that the results of our approach are more accurate in finding synonyms.
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