A Comprehensive Review of Plant Disease Detection Using Deep Learning


  • Usra naz Comsats University Islamabad, Wah Campus
  • Mehak Mushtaq Malik


Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Machine learning, Corn, Plant Diseases


The research on maize diseases is described in this study of current literature. The most valuable findings are extracted from researchers' previous work and presented in a compiled form. The article discusses the problem of detecting plant diseases using deep learning techniques. Plant diseases can cause significant damage to crops, and early detection is essential for effective treatment. The study demonstrates how the model and approach may be designed from a new viewpoint, which can then lead to improved outcomes. Following this, datasets that are accessible to the public are described and identified, and then the proposed procedures and the findings are tested and verified using these datasets. Performance metrics along with their respective formulae are discussed to demonstrate how these measures might be used to evaluate the effectiveness of research activity.

Keywords: Deep Learning; Computer Vision; Machine learning; Corn; Plant Diseases


Author Biography

Mehak Mushtaq Malik




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How to Cite

naz, U., & Mehak Mushtaq Malik. (2023). A Comprehensive Review of Plant Disease Detection Using Deep Learning. University of Wah Journal of Computer Science, 5, 1–12. Retrieved from https://uwjcs.org.pk/index.php/ojs/article/view/62