Managing Cloud Applications Data and Security


  • Muhammad Zunnurain Hussaina Bahria University Lahore Campus
  • Muhammad Hasan NCBAE Lahore
  • Zaka Ullah LGU Lahore


: Cloud computing, Cloud Computing Security (CCS), security problems, security aspects, data segregation, secure cloud data, ACID, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, Data Integrity, Data Security, Cloud Application risks, Data Locality, Networking, Data Access


Cloud computing is a malleable, reliable and low coast platform for commercial and IT applications and their services over the Internet. Its powers many technologies like service oriented architecture, virtualization. Cloud Computing Security (CCS), consists of a variety of policies, procedures, controls and technologies that combine to provide security to a cloud based system, infrastructure and data. These security measures are configured to provide protect customers privacy, support regulatory compliance and as well as setting
authentication rules for individual devices and users. From authenticating access to filteringtraffic, CCS can be configured to the exact needs of the business. In actual, we argue three serious challenges such as controlling, security and privacy issues in the cloud.



How to Cite

Muhammad Zunnurain Hussaina, Hasan, M., & Ullah, Z. (2022). Managing Cloud Applications Data and Security. University of Wah Journal of Computer Science, 3(1). Retrieved from