Software Process Improvement in Agile Software Development by Mapping KPAs in CMMI


  • Bilal Mehmood Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Attock Campus


Software Process Improvement (SPI), CMMI, Agile software Development


Quality software product development is a challenging yet important asset for most software
organizations, especially small medium sized companies. In small and medium sized companies
development activities should be into line with Software Process Improvement (SPI) practices.
Most organizations are adopting agile approach for developing software products. Different
maturity models have been used for accessing maturity of process among which CMMI is widely
used. However, it is considered difficult to implement it for small sized companies. This paper
presents an integrated framework for improving agile practices by linking them with specific
key process areas in CMMI framework for process improvement.


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How to Cite

Bilal Mehmood. (2019). Software Process Improvement in Agile Software Development by Mapping KPAs in CMMI. University of Wah Journal of Computer Science, 2(1). Retrieved from