MANET Routing: An enhanced simulation-based analysis of MANET Routing Protocols
MANET, DSR, AODV, DSDV, Throughput, Delay, Energy ConsumptionAbstract
Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is an innovative and dynamic network architecture which
constitutes a set of mobile nodes without any support of central authority. The mobile nodes in
these networks moves dynamically which can change in network topology at any time. Due to
this dynamic nature of mobile nodes, routing has become a challenging task. There are different
MANET routing protocols available which are implemented and analyzed based on the
application environment. In this paper, we have thoroughly studies both proactive and reactive
MANET routing protocols and analyzed Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), DestinationSequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) and Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV)
protocols based on different performance metrics. These performance matrics are throughput,
packet delivery ratio (PDR), average end-to-end delay, and Energy consumption (EC). We have
used NS-2 simulation tool for the implementation and analysis of MANET routing protocols.
We performed different simulation tests with random number of nodes (41, 81 and 121) and
achieved better results on small number of nodes as well as on large number of nodes. It is
depicted from the results that throughput of DSDV is consistently well as compare to AODV.
AODV protocol outperforms DSR and DSDV protocols with reference to end-to-end delay at
random number of nodes and at different pauses time. Moreover, DSDV gives best PDR results
on large number of nodes whereas AODV and DSDV consume less energy.
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