Substitution Box (S-Box): Current Design Techniques and Future Challen


  • Asim Ali Department of Computer Science, Comsats University Islamabad, Wah Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Asif Khan Department of Computer Engineering, UET Taxila, Pakistan


Cryptography; cryptosystem; S-box; linear and differential attack; chaos; Boolean functions.


S-box is considered a vital component of modern encryption algorithm. The secure substitutions in the form of S-box define the security of encryption algorithm. The substitutions are
defined on the basis of set of cryptographic properties. A good S-box requires having good
bounds of cryptographic properties. Herein, detail literature survey on S-box design techniques is presented. The various types of S-boxes in terms of their cryptographic properties
are carefully vetted. Moreover, in the light of current design techniques, future directions
and challenges are discussed in detail. Moreover, critical literature survey is carried out in
order to give directions to design S-box with good cryptographic properties while maintaining near optimal resistance to linear and differential cryptanalysis.


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How to Cite

Asim Ali, & Muhammad Asif Khan. (2018). Substitution Box (S-Box): Current Design Techniques and Future Challen. University of Wah Journal of Computer Science, 1(1). Retrieved from